Privacy Policy
At the Andro Games Inc. we love to protect your privacy policy. And we always take care for your privacy policy and take it seriously. We strictly follow to make sure and give you 100% guarantee while keeping your privacy policy secure. This privacy policy means that to process the personal information when you use our games, apps and or respective services.
How do we collect Information:
The information we Andro Games Inc. collect depends upon the games and apps services that you use and how will you use them.
Some of the essential information is mentions in the given Para, please read them one by one.
Personal Information:
Personal information is something that identifies an individual. And it identifies by your name, contact number, address, id, and other personal behavior etc.
We assure you that we will ever never collect from your and or won’t demand from you.
Processing of the personal Information:
According to the Google Act (1974) we Andro Games Inc. will collect your information based on that rule like when you will be willing to use the play store products services, you must have to create your account, otherwise you won’t be able to use of that services. The same thing we follow while using our games, apps and or other services. You must have to register while providing just your email id.
Children Privacy Policy:
According to the google privacy policy we Andro Games Inc. do not accept the user under the age of 18 years. Such users won’t be allowed to use our products. So to use our some games and apps you must be of 20 years old, otherwise you couldn’t use our products and other respective services. So to use our some apps, games and other servicer under the supervision of your parents and other guardians.
How do we protect your Information:
Security of your personal information is our first priority at the Andro Games Inc. We take help of the systematic range of the technical and organizational measurement to keep it secure. We put all of the harmful actions on restrictions to save your purposes from harmful destructions.
Andro Games Inc. alerts you to keep this thing in mind that some of the 3rd party advertisers will promote their business through our apps, games products and other services.
They may combine their information in the context of offering to you through our services. Many of those companies collect and use information on their own privacy policies.
So we instruct you in advance to keep care from those services, as they are out of our control.
Contact Us:
Andro Games Inc. will feel happy when you will ask your question, queries and or suggestion directly communicates us. To convey your message and share you kind feedback we would always welcome to you. You can share your ideas with use as well. Our official emails id is over here. You would be responded 24/7 days of the week.
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